A Different View of Some Concepts in Physics


I have established this Web site to share some of my theories and interests in the field of physics. I have been exploring physics as a hobby for many years, although my background is in chemistry.

Science classes portray science in two different ways. In general, science is presented as reasonable and understandable. However, Relativity, Quantum Mechanics and Particle Physics are presented as mystical and non-intuitive. There is the strong implication that only a few geniuses have the mathematical abilities to understand these subjects at all.

I submit that this attitude negatively impacts society. It promotes mysticism in general, frustrates inquisitive minds, and belittles people, implying they are incapable of understanding these things themselves, and therefore must trust some "authority".

It is true that difficult mathematics was often involved in "discovering" these subjects, but it seems that simpler math and physical models such as the kind used by 19th century physicists can often produce many of the same equations and predict the same quantities earlier, more difficult math produced. The following papers are simple and intuitive approaches to these supposedly intractable subjects.


Special Relativistic Contraction and Mass Increase Derived from Physical Models

Quantum Mechanics: De Broglie Derivation

Velocity of an Orbiting Electron

General Relativistic Time Dilation


In addition to the above listed papers, I would like to share the following material on some of my theories "in progress".


Fundamental Particle Structures

The Apparent Source of Gravitational and Electrical Fields

Strong Force

Proton Density

Consequences of the Spin of the Big Bang        

Mechanisms of Electric Force    

Matter Versus Antimatter

On Quantum Mechanics

The Form of Prime Numbers

Material on this site may be freely used, so long as credit is given to the author, Brian Stedjee.

This page last updated November 7, 2015

Beyond Physics ...

The book, “The Genius Within”, by Frank Vertosick, published in 2002, inspired some thoughts on neural networks and consciousness.