Consequences of the Spin of the Big Bang
In an earlier paper, I proposed that photons, leptons and quarks are composed of neutrinos and anti-neutrinos. Neutrinos are, by themselves, localized spins in space, but the subject of the other paper is that there are circumstances under which they can be assembled into photons and other particles.
In this paper, the neutrino is represented by “n” and the anti-neutrino is represented by “a”.
The hypothesis that so-called “fundamental” particles (leptons and quarks) are linear triplets composed of neutrinos and anti-neutrinos is borne out by the fact that given their assigned structures:
electron nnn (also muon- and tau-)
· positron aaa (also muon+ and tau+)
· up quark aan (also charm and top quarks)
· down quark nan (also stange and bottom quarks)
· anti-up quark nna (also anti-charm and anti-top)
· anti-down quark ana (also anti-strange and anti-bottom)
(the photon is an)
Any excess of neutrinos or anti-neutrinos in a decaying particle is also present in the daughter particles in every known particle decay. This is not true if any structure assignments are changed.
The hypothesis is also verified by an experiment in which a neutrino interacts with a down quark in the nucleus of an atom, producing an up quark and an electron…
n + nan → aan + nnn
2 excess neutrinos → 2 excess neutrinos
It is interesting to note that if these structure assignments are correct, and if there are about as many electrons in the Universe as there are protons, then there must be many more neutrinos in the Universe than there are anti-neutrinos.
· Electrons are composed of 3 neutrinos
· Protons are 4 neutrinos and 5 anti-neutrinos
· Neutrons are 5 neutrinos and 4 anti-neutrinos
I propose that this excess of neutrinos came about because the primordial singularity that became the Big Bang not only had tremendous mass, but also had tremendous spin. When the one massive particle suddenly became a multitude of low mass particles, the angular momentum of the primordial singulality had to be conserved in the resulting smaller particles (neutrinos and anti-neutrinos) many of which reassembled at the first moments of the Big Bang into leptons, photons and quarks.
I also propose that it is because of this excess of neutrinos over anti-neutrinos that we have a Universe composed mainly of matter, rather than a Universe composed of equal amounts of matter and anti-matter.