Mechanisms of Electric Force


As in previous papers, in this paper neutrinos are abbreviated “n” and anti-neutrinos are abbreviated “a”.


One thing that is clear about the neutrino, anti-neutrino structure theory of particles is that the electric charge of the particle corresponds to the longest consistent end of a triplet composed of neutrinos and anti-neutrinos. 


n a n

down quark

1 neutrino

-1/3 charge

n a a

up quark

2 anti-neutrinos

+2/3 charge

a n a

anti-down quark

1 anti-neutrino

+1/3 charge

a n n

anti-up quark

2 neutrinos

- 2/3 charge

n n n


3 neutrinos

-3/3 = -1 charge

a a a


3 anti-neutrinos

+3/3 = +1 charge



In the world outside the nucleus, there are only 2 electron charges:  +1 or aaa and -1 or nnn.  If electric attraction or repulsion happens as a result of overlap of 2 particles and only end-to-end overlap is allowed, then one can see how attractive virtual photons (a – n) are produced by opposite charge overlaps and repelling “virtual photons” are produced when there are nn or aa overlaps.


As stated in an earlier paper, mirror image particles are not stable together, but semi-mirror image particles are stable.  Consequently mirror image electrons and positrons destroy each other while semi-mirror image particles, e.g. protons and electrons that mirror each other in charge but not in mass, form hydrogen atoms.


If the “mirror” type of interaction results from end-to-end overlap, then:


n n n


      n a n





1/3 repel

n n n


      a n a



anti-down quark


1/3 attract      1 virtual photon (an)

n n n

   |  |

   a a n





2/3 attract      2 virtual photons

n n n

   |  |

   n n a



anti-up quark


2/3 repel

n n n

|  |  |

a a a





3/3 attract      3 virtual photons


The situation is similar but reversed when positrons interact with quarks.


Something else can be seen with the mirror image interaction idea.  This is that the quarks can all have end-to-end attractive interactions with themselves:


a a n

   |  |

   n a a




n a n

   |  |

   n a n




n a n


      a a n






These semi-mirror interactions could be the source of the strong nuclear force. Here the virtual photons formed presently go by another name, “gluons”.