Why we are Composed Mostly of Matter Rather than Anti-Matter



Why we have mostly matter in our area of the Universe rather than an equal mixture of matter and anti-matter is a big question. I believe that there are 2 unwarranted assumptions that create confusion regarding this subject:


1. The assumption that electrons, quarks and photons are fundamental particles. This is wrong. Electrons are linear neutrino triplets, up quarks are linear triplets of 2 antineutrinos and 1 neutrino.  Down quarks are linear triplets of 2 neutrinos and 1 anti-neutrino.  The photon is a neutrino-antineutrino duet.


2. The assumption that time didn’t exist before the Big Bang.  The Big Bang came from a spinning (implying time) singularity from a black hole in a previous universe, that either became too massive or too small, or spinning too rapidly to be stable. That one (singularity) particle suddenly became many spinning particles.  Conservation of angular momentum requires that most of the particles shot from one direction perpendicular from the spin access of the singularity would be ejected with a right hand screw spin (anti-neutrinos) while most of the particles ejected in the opposite direction would have left hand screw spin (neutrinos).


Given the structure assignments (above) of quarks and electrons, our area of the Universe has many more neutrinos (left hand screw particles) than anti-neutrinos.


The opposite side of the Universe had been built mostly of anti-neutrinos which would coalesce mostly into antimatter right after the Big Bang.




                      Spinning singularity                                          X   We are somewhere around here                   



                   Positrons  aaa                                                                Electrons  nnn

                   antiup       nna                                                                up              aan

                   antidown   ana                                                                down         nan


                                                              Mostly matter void               

                                                              area of photon

                                                                                                            Protons are up, up, down.      

                                                                                                            Neutrons are down, down, up.

Note:  Neutrinos and anti-neutrinos are the simplest “particles” from which everything else is made. They are simply localized directional spins in space.  The neutrino is a localized left hand screw spin in space. The anti-neutrino is a localized right hand screw spin in space.